I. Introduction
Breakdown of the contact gap just after kA arc extinction occurs in the metal vapour originated by the molten electrode zones. Connection with electrode temperature stimulated different methods of surface heating control: by AMF to keep the arc diffuse and avoid local overheating; by RMF to prevent surface heating by quick rotation of the arc root [1]; equalization of surface temperature by control of the melting contact material flow [2]. Nevertheless the limit of interrupting capability in ideal case of minimal heat flux uniformly distributed on the contact surface – in essence the limit of interrupting capability at all – has not been determined yet. Minimal energy input may be achieved in external AMF providing minimal arc voltages (flat part of Volt-Tesla characteristic (VTC) for the contact of given diameter) [1]. The aim of this paper is to determine the limit interrupting capability in the range 0–1.2T of external AMF, including the range of induction provided minimum arc voltage; to estimate radial loses of arc energy and calculate the limit interrupting capability for the case of uniformly distributed heat flux.