I. Introduction
Neutron multiplicity counters (NMC) based on 3HE tubes are widely used for non-destructive assay of special nuclear material (SNM). Such detectors use coincidences between neutrons produced in fissions to determine the mass of SNM. Because 3He detectors are sensitive to thermal neutrons, fission neutrons must be moderated in polyethylene prior to detection, and typical coincidence gate lengths are on the order of tens of microseconds. An NMC based on liquid scintillator (LSMC) will detect fast neutrons making possible a coincidence gate on the order tens of nanoseconds. A neutron counter with such a narrow gate will be much less sensitive to accidental coincidences, making it possible to measure items with a high single neutron background to greater accuracy in a shorter time. These items include impure Plutonium items with high (a,n) rates as well as small mass highly enriched Uranium (HEU) items where a strong single neutron source (e.g. AmLi) is needed for active interrogation. Liquid scintillation detectors also allow for energy discrimination between lower energy interrogation source neutrons and higher energy fission neutrons, allowing for greater assay sensitivity of HEU.