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Numerical Study of Lumped Dispersion Compensation for 40-Gb/s Return-to-Zero Differential Phase-Shift Keying Transmission | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

Numerical Study of Lumped Dispersion Compensation for 40-Gb/s Return-to-Zero Differential Phase-Shift Keying Transmission


Lumped dispersion compensation is numerically investigated for 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying transmission. Using pseudorandom binary sequence len...Show More


Lumped dispersion compensation is numerically investigated for 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying transmission. Using pseudorandom binary sequence lengths up to 211-1, simulation results indicate that better long-distance transmission performance can be achieved using lumped dispersion compensation than using conventional periodic inline dispersion compensation. Improved performance is found to be a result of reduced nonlinear effects and the elimination of periodic accumulation of nonlinear effects. The lumped compensation scheme provides a simple, flexible, and potentially low-cost solution for transmission link design
Published in: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters ( Volume: 19, Issue: 8, April 2007)
Page(s): 568 - 570
Date of Publication: 26 March 2007

ISSN Information:

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I. Introduction

Differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) has become the format of choice for long-haul optical fiber transmission [1], [2]. Its sensitivity improvement and larger tolerance to fiber nonlinearities make it especially attractive for 40-Gb/s long-haul transmission. In a 40-Gb/s transmission system using DPSK, dispersion management is crucial for reducing nonlinear penalties. A periodic inline dispersion map is widely used currently [3]–[5]. Inline dispersion compensation adds complexity to transmission path design and maintenance, which can be simplified by using a single fiber type over the entire transmission distance. A lumped dispersion compensation scheme was introduced early in 40-Gb/s RZ on–off keying (OOK) transmission experiment [6]. Recently a transoceanic 10-Gb/s RZ-DPSK wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) transmission over nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber without use of periodic dispersion management was reported [7], showing similar performance to conventional maps. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports on lumped dispersion compensation for 40-Gb/s DPSK transmission.

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