1. Introduction
In recent years, the communication industry has been witnessing enormous growth in the area of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) - in terms of both the number of users and the diversity of services. It is predicted that this will continue at a higher pace in the near future, and it will be driven by a multitude of multimedia applications. As a result, the required capacity of the future wireless networks can be 10 to 100 times as much at the present [9]. To deliver this massive data rate, either the spectrum efficiency must be increased or more spectrum space is required. In the quest for more available bandwidth, much attention has been paid to the 60 GHz band where as much as 5 GHz of spectrum has been allocated worldwide. This unprecedented amount of available spectrum holds the potential for much higher data rate ever compared to other bandwidth-limited channels that are currently used. Wireless data rate in the range of 1 Gbps will be the order of the day. Since the propagation of 60 GHz radio wave (millimeter wave in general) is strongly hindered by attenuation, radio cells are more well-defined and compact making the band very suitable for short-range broadband communications. Moreover, Inter Channel Interference (ICI) is less and thus frequencies can be reused more often in a given smaller geographical area.