1 Introduction
There is a research result which 5EB of data was created in 2002. Data on the Internet has also exploded. The forms of data are various, HTML, XML, PDF and so on, each data is stored in various schema. Under these circumstances, many a data management systems are developed and provide their indevidual retrieval features arbitrarily and users are forced into obeying each system's query manor. Basically, retrieving appropriate data from a data management system, a user need to learn its data structure and query manor. Counter part of this, users do not have an unified method for reflecting their query intentions to retrieve appropriate data from those systems. We crave to equip users for an easy, useful retrieval mechanism. Web search engines provide keyword based retrieval functions, there are not much difference on query mannor among most of them. Indeed, they are simple, useful to find candidates of user need data. However it is not enough to accept user's query intention. On keyword based approach, it is necessary to consider relationships among keywords and return appropriate information in an appropriate volume. Then we introduce a query method for: 1) User can express his query intention explicitly with ease which he is only to arrange keywords and symbols to denote coordinate and/or subordinate conjunctions, 2) System translate data into a mediatable scheme easily like DOM from XML. We assume that data in ubiquitous environment could be extracted in a tree representation.