The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is a X-ray Free-Electron Laser (FEL), currently under construction at SLAC [1]. It is designed to operate in the wavelength range of 1.5–15 Ångstrom. Unlike alternative designs of X-ray FELs (e.g.[2]), the gap of the LCLS undulator modules is fixed and the wavelength is tuned by adjusting the electron beam energy. The vacuum chamber, which fits between the undulator poles, has an inner radius of 2.5 mm, which causes strong undulator wakefields. The change in the electron energy by these wakefields disrupts the FEL performance by pushing electrons off-resonance. Because the wakefields are not constant but depend on the position along the electron bunch, the effect cannot be compensated globally by an adjustment of the undulator field (taper).