I. Introduction
In the past decade, methods used mainly in statistical physics, including chaotic dynamics, have demonstrated that human heart rate variability (HRV) belongs to a special class of complex signals, showing long-range temporal autocorrelations [1] [2] [3], multifractal scaling properties [4], [5], and non-Gaussian probability density function (PDF) in its increments [1], [6]. While various models have been proposed [6] [7] [8] [9] to gain deeper insight into the nature of the complex fluctuations in heart rate, none of them has so far provided complete characteristics of actual HRV. One of the reasons for this might be that the exact mechanism behind heart rate complexity is still not completely understood. However, as it reflects the dynamics of the autonomic nervous system's control of heart rate [1], [5] and, thus, provides potential predictors for the mortality of cardiac patients [10]–[12] and indications for the therapy for malignant cardiac arrhythmias [13], elucidating this mechanism is considered important.