Three methods of remote air pollution detection-Raman backscattering, resonance backscattering, and resonance absorption-are discussed and compared. Theoretical expressio...Show MoreMetadata
Three methods of remote air pollution detection-Raman backscattering, resonance backscattering, and resonance absorption-are discussed and compared. Theoretical expressions are derived for the minimum detectable pollutant concentration, and in each case the depth resolution and the problems of interference, pump depletion, and background noise are discussed. A brief discussion of possible laser sources is included, numerical examples of the detectabilities based on present technology are given. The atmospheric transparency limits the useful range to a few kilometers for the Raman and resonance backscattering schemes. For the resonance absorption technique the useful range can be as great as 50 kilometers.
Published in: Proceedings of the IEEE ( Volume: 59, Issue: 12, December 1971)
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