Vision-based control in robotics based on considering a vision system as a specific sensor dedicated to a task and included in a control servo loop is described. Once the...Show MoreMetadata
Vision-based control in robotics based on considering a vision system as a specific sensor dedicated to a task and included in a control servo loop is described. Once the necessary modeling stage is performed, the framework becomes one of automatic control, and stability and robustness questions arise. State-of-the-art visual servoing is reviewed, and the basic concepts for modeling the concerned interactions are given. The interaction screw is thus defined in a general way, and the application to images follows. Starting from the concept of task function, the general framework of the control is described, and stability results are recalled. The concept of the hybrid task is presented and then applied to visual sensors. Simulation and experimental results are presented, and guidelines for future work are drawn in the conclusion.<>
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation ( Volume: 8, Issue: 3, June 1992)
DOI: 10.1109/70.143350
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