An approach is described for the calculation of binding energies of confined excitons in III-V semiconductors as functions of the quantum-well width. The method, which av...Show MoreMetadata
An approach is described for the calculation of binding energies of confined excitons in III-V semiconductors as functions of the quantum-well width. The method, which avoids the prescription of trial functions, provides direct interpretations of the dimensionality of the confined systems and shows evidence of greater flexibility than has been previously reported. Numerical results are provided concerning four technologically relevant material systems. With the method presented, the evolution of the exciton oscillator strength, as an explicit function of the well width, has been obtained. The analysis of the results suggests the formulation of scaling laws yielding the exciton properties as functions of the well width for all the materials considered.<>
Published in: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ( Volume: 28, Issue: 8, August 1992)
DOI: 10.1109/3.142573
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