On behalf of the IEEE Power Electronics Society we welcome you to the 35th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC04 in Aachen, Germany. This year, the PESC04 conference has been jointly organized with the VDE/ETG Conference of Integrated Power Electronics Systems, CIPS 2004. Both organizations decided to co-locate both conferences to better serve its members and the power electronics community. PESC04 is co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8 and is hosted by volunteers of the IEEE Joint IAS-PELS-IES German Chapter. Technical co-sponsorship was obtained from the European Power Electronics Association, EPE and the IEE. The conference is in cooperation with the IEEE Industry Applications Society, IAS.
PESC04 received a record number of abstracts from all over the world.
In total 1309 abstracts underwent a blind peer review process. Each abstract received at least two international reviews and one national review. In total, the review process was supported by 315 international reviewers and 32 German Joint Chapter members who performed no less than 3928 reviews. Our sincere thanks to all topic organizers and reviewers who spent their valuable time volunteering for this important task which determines the quality and success of our conference.
As in previous years, the review process was performed completely electronically using the same web service as our “sister society” IAS. This service has enabled us to double check for multiple submissions at both conferences. Together with the peer review process, this electronic service guarantees a technical program with original, high quality contributions. In addition, the registration web service has been extended to allow full electronic registration and payment. We hope these services made your registration less cumbersome.
Parallel to PESC04, an exhibition (PELS EXPO04) has been organized. Approximately 20 companies present new products in the area of power devices, packaging, instrumentation, simulation software and passive components. For the first time, vendor's sessions have been organized at PESC, giving companies an opportunity to present new power electronic products and systems. We would like to thank our industrial sponsors, in particular our main sponsors, Yaskawa Electric Europe, Mitsubishi Electric Europe and GE Global Research Europe, for their technical support and financial contribution. Organizing the technical and social program of PESC04 would not have been possible without the help of many volunteers and staff. In particular, we-would like to thank the local organizing committee members and the staff of the conference center E,UROGRESS, Aachen. We would also like to extend our gratitude to RWTH-Aachen University for providing the tutorial facilities. For their enthusiastic support, we are indebted to the many assistants and staff members of the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, ISEA at RWTH-Aachen and the Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory at Wuppertal University.
This coming June, Aachen, once the capital of Charlemagne's Empire, will become the capital of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives. We hope the conference program is to your satisfaction and that you can enjoy the many historical attractions and the hospitality which Aachen has to offer.