I. Introduction
Tile question as to what drives the evolutionary process, of the Internet's topology is of interest to many researchers. While various models of its topological structure appear to describe it reasonably well, most neither aid in understanding why the Internet's graph has evolved as it has, nor offer the “metric” which is effectively being optimized by its implementers as it grows.
Several authors are currently pursuing such models, however. For one of the latest examples, See [1].
In addition, as the network grows, its global routing scalability is being stressed [2], leading several groups to explore alternatives to the present Internet routing system. We believe that a better understanding of the Internet's topological growth process, coupled with knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of the routing problem on graphs, could help in evaluating these proposals (or developing others). In particular, we are interested in the performance of the most scalable theoretical routing algorithms on realistic topology graphs.