The SNS LLRF Control System is comprised of three main components: the RF control chassis, the High Power Protection Module (HPM), and the reference system. The RF control chassis is a digital feedback controller that uses a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for fast data processing. Three generations of control chassis are planned for supporting the near- and long-term goals of the SNS project: the 1st generation control chassis (Fig. 1) was designed at LBNL for use with the 402.5 MHz rebuncher cavities in the Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) beamline downstream of the RFQ [1]. The 2nd generation control chassis (Fig. 2) is a refinement of the MEBT control chassis and will serve the RFQ and DTL sections of the linac through DTL commissioning [2]. The 3rd generation control chassis is under development and will begin deployment in the CCL, SCL and HEBT in early 2004. It is planned to eventually retrofit the RFQ and DTL with the 3rd generation control chassis. The HPM provides for fast shutoff of the RF drive to the klystron in case of RF over power, arc detection, and vacuum system interlocks [3]. The reference system provides for distribution of the phase-synchronous RF signals necessary to operate the linac and includes cavity and reference signal transport and downconversion (Fig. 3).
The 1st generation rf control chassis that is used for the mebt rebuncher cavities.
The 2nd generation rf control chassis that is used for the rfq and dtl.