1 Rfq Description
The RFQ has 4 electrodes with alternating RF voltage impressed on them. The dominant characteristic of the electric field is that of a quadrupole shown in Figure 1. A beam of ions traveling down the axis of an RFQ, with a cross section similar to that shown in Figure 1, sees alternating focusing and defocusing electric quadrupole fields. Because the fields oscillate at the frequency of the RF, and are spatially continuous along the axis of the RFQ, the focusing force does not depend on the velocity of the ions. By modulating the radius of the pole tips, a longitudinal electric field can be obtained with the same energy ion beam while bunching and accelerating. Figure 2 defines some of the typical parameters that describe the geometry of the RFQ pole tips. Beta “” is the velocity of the ions in units of “c,” the speed of light, and “” is the free space wavelength of the RF Frequency. The modulation factor is “m” and “a” is the minimum distance from the pole tip to the RFQ axis. The gap voltage between adjacent vanes is “V”. It is apparent from looking at Figure 2 that the voltage on the axis is tending toward +V/2 at the position indicated with “a”. Not shown in figure 2 are the horizontal vanes that have their minimum distance from the axis of “a” where the vertical vanes are “ma” from the axis. Figure 3 shows how the horizontal vanes are offset from the vertical vanes by one cell length. The voltage on axis at the position marked “ma” is tending toward -V/2. Thus there is a longitudinal electric field on axis that peaks half way between “a” and “ma” in Figure 2. The “unit cell” in the RFQ is defined in Figure 2 by .