Admittance of a waveguide radiating into stratified plasma | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

Admittance of a waveguide radiating into stratified plasma


A slot covered by a stratified plasma is assumed to radiate into a wide waveguide instead of free space. The slot admittance approximates the free space admittance of the...Show More


A slot covered by a stratified plasma is assumed to radiate into a wide waveguide instead of free space. The slot admittance approximates the free space admittance of the slot for waveguide diameters exceeding 6 to10\lambda. For thick plasma layers the computed slot admittance checks with earlier admittance calculations for a laterally unbounded plasma. When approximating a plasma profile of a typical hypersonic re-entry, a multilayer plasma model in a wide waveguide appears to provide a more accurate slot admittance than a single-layer approximation in a laterally unbounded geometry.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ( Volume: 13, Issue: 1, January 1965)
Page(s): 64 - 70
Date of Publication: 06 January 2003

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Cites in Papers - Other Publishers (23)

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