I. Introduction
Household robots play an essential role in the everyday lives of individuals, fulfilling the demand for high-quality services across various household tasks in response to escalating material and lifestyle requirements. Robot task planning is a vital mechanism for skill acquisition in robots, encompassing cognitive science [1], [2], artificial intelligence [3], [4], [5], robotic navigation [6], [7], [8], and other interdisciplinary fields. This technology is fundamental in directing robots to execute household services [9], [10]. Task planning can be categorized into high-level and low-level planning based on the representation of generated plans. High-level planning generates sequences of semantic actions [27], [54]. For instance, in the task of sending water, the high-level semantic actions include Grab, Place, and Open. Conversely, low-level planning focuses on the motor control of robots, addressing aspects, such as joint angles [50], travel distance and direction [46], [49], and arm positioning. It should be noted that the task planning discussed in this article pertains to high-level planning, represented as a sequence of semantic actions.