I. Introduction
Education system has undergone dynamical transformation in its whole history and played crucial role in the domain of education. In olden days, the education focused on important skills like writing, mathematics and reading whereas in Middle Ages it was controlled by the different institutions of education [1]. The Renaissance marked a significant shift towards humanism in education, and by the 19th century, emergence of laws for compulsory education were imposed. During the time of difficulty faced during COVID-19 had revolutionized the complete education system as it had made everybody suffer for teaching and learning. The unpredictable quarantines and lockdowns led to mitigating the pandemic effect forcing for adjusting priorities and lifestyles for different people [2]. These modifications were also made in the field of education impacting for online conduction of classes rather than face-to-face physical interaction [3]. The education system was not possible without problems that undermined its quality, availability and relevance today [4]. Poor access to education facilities, regions especially rural or backward entities, was a big issue having large populations of school children unable to perform well due to lack of infrastructure and other resources. Further, the system suffered from structural asymmetries where poor children were less well educated compared to their wealthy corresponding people due to their poorer accessing to technology and extra- curricular activities [5]. Additionally, existing educational programs did not encounter present-day necessities because most educational institutions stressed on repetition learning which did not troubled their students with the requirement of critical and analytic thinking or the gaining technical skills required for surviving in present atmosphere.