I. Introduction
Robotic path planning is a fundamental aspect of autonomous systems, involving the determination of an optimal route for a robot to navigate from its current position to a designated goal while avoiding obstacles and adhering to specified constraints [1], [2]. This complex process encompasses the generation of a feasible trajectory in a given environment, considering factors such as terrain complexity, dynamic obstacles, and the robot’s physical limitations. Various algorithms, from classical techniques such as Dijkstra’s algorithm and A* to advanced probabilistic approaches such as Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) and Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM), are employed to address the challenges of path planning [3]–[5]. The goal is to devise strategies that ensure collision-free movement while optimizing the path in terms of efficiency, time, and resource utilization. Robotic path planning has diverse applications, including manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and exploration, contributing significantly to the advancement of autonomous robotics.