I. Introduction
Present wireless systems have reached up to a level of saturation in adaptive modulation, beamforming, massive MIMO, multi-carrier signaling, reconfigurable antennas etc. [1] . Increasing rate of new applications, highly dense communication networks, new requirements of users along with new networking trends may bring challenging communication issues by 2030, which require new paradigms of physical layer for 6G communications [2] – [5] . Onaway to avoid some issues of 6G is to redirect the incoming wave from the transmitter towards the receiver through an Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS). IRS can play a significant role for telepresence systems requiring high-quality, real-time communication. IRS can offer a better solution to achieve smart wireless channel environment [4] , [6] . IRS will provide high gain and smart wireless solutions for future 6G communications through low cost reflecting elements [3] , [7] .