I. Introduction
The ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC), enabling applications that require high reliability and very low latency, is an important use case of beyond 5G and 6G communication networks [1]–[4]. To meet the stringent requirements of URLLC, the utilization of short block codes with efficient decoding algorithms has rekindled a great deal of interest [5]. As a class of maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding algorithms for short linear block codes, the guessing codeword decoding (GCD) algorithm [6] produces a list of codewords by re-encoding patterns in an information set. A typical GCD, known as the ordered statistics decoding (OSD) [7], [8] produces a list of codewords by querying and re-encoding the patterns in the most reliable basis (MRB), where the querying process is implemented in an order of non-decreasing soft weight [7] or Hamming weight [8]. The OSD is universal and applicable to any short linear block codes (from low rates to high rates). To reduce the complexity in terms of the number of queries, several improved OSD algorithms have been proposed, such as segmentation-discarding OSD (SD-OSD) [9], probability-based OSD (PB-OSD) [10] and linear-equation