I. Introduction
The circuit breaker is one of the critical safety and security equipment in the power system, which plays the roles of connecting or disconnecting AC and DC main circuits and rapidly cutting off the short-circuit current and is widely used in various electric power segments such as power generation, substation, power transmission, and power distribution [1]–[4]. The copper-tungsten electrode is often used in SF6 gas circuit breakers as the arc contact part due to its good ablation resistance. It plays the core role of breaking short-circuit current. However, the copper-tungsten electrode is also the weakest part of the switchgear, which may lead to the failure of circuit breaker disconnection and then serious consequences such as fire and explosion. The direct cause of the failure of the copper-tungsten electrode system is the ablation behavior of the electrode by the arc during the breaking process. Throughout the arc burning process, the erosion of the gas arc will lead to the loss and transfer of the quality of the coppertungsten electrode material, changes in the composition and internal structure, and surface degradation, which will lead to the worse electrical performance of the copper-tungsten electrode and the reduction of the reliability of the switchgear, and ultimately make the service life of the high-voltage gas switchgear shrink [5,6].