I. Introduction
Lately, the consensus issue of nonlinear multiagent systems (MASs) has become a focal point and has made significant progress [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Up to now, the study on the consensus tracking control issue of nonlinear MASs has been extensively applied in numerous practical scenarios, like autonomous underwater vehicles [11], robot team generation [12], and so on. Notably, the external disturbances exist widely in practical applications and have detrimental impacts on the performance and stability of the nonlinear MASs [13], [14]. To strengthen the anti-disturbance capability of the nonlinear MASs, [15] used the idea of negative gradient optimization to create a gain-iterative disturbance observer. However, [15] only estimated unmeasurable disturbances without considering unmeasurable states. In [16], the composite observer was established to estimate unmeasurable states and disturbances for the uncertain nonlinear systems. Further, [17] expanded the application scope of the composite observer from the single system to the nonlinear MASs, thereby enhancing the applicability in more complex practical scenarios. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that designing appropriate control gains not only improves the system stability but also optimizes the system dynamic performance. However, the prior knowledge of the control gain was assumed to be constant in [15], [16], [17], and [18], which limited the adaptability of the system.