I. Introduction (Heading 1)
In today's rapidly evolving business environment, numerous companies depend on sophisticated technology to handle their intricate operations [1]. many of those software programs have been incorporated into application suites like Enterprise Resource Planning [2]. There is a positive contribution of ERP on business's performance “which in their case was a chemical company [3]. ERP system in managing a business is very helpful as it provides information on inventory management and control, thus solving inventory management problems[4]. ERP process information to be integrated across departments such as marketing, sales, manufacturing, logistics, accounting, and human resources [5]. The benefits obtained in the implementation of an ERP-based inventory system include facilitating good business flow control and accurate data because data collection is done in real-time during transactions as companies with ERP systems have higher inventory turnover, fixed asset turnover, and sales changes compared to those without ERP systems [6]. On the other hand, information technology investments can present chances to boost output and enhance operational procedures [7]. ERP systems are particularly useful in corporate management because they solve inventory management issues by providing information regarding inventory control and management [4]. The primary advantages of implementing ERP-based inventory systems are essentially the facilitation of good business flow control, where all company data is collected promptly during initial transactions, stored, and processed centrally, and accurate data because data collection is done in real-time during transactions [8]–[10].