I. Introduction
The technological advancements in power electronics inverters have led to progress in the electrification of transportation. The fast-switching frequency, high voltage blocking capacity, and high efficiency provided by wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor-based power electronic-driven systems enable designs with high gravimetric and volumetric power density [1], [2]. However, when the electric machines are fed by the PWM inverters with short rise time, impedance mismatch occurs at the motor terminal which generates a large voltage difference between the turns of the motor. This sudden increase in the voltage at the motor terminal increases the electrical stress in the insulation system and promotes partial discharge (PD) in the motor winding [3], [4], [5]. PD characteristic in the motor winding fed by the SiC-based power electronic inverter has drawn the attention of researchers from the last decade [6], [7]. The insulation materials used in enameled twisted pair wires are polymeric materials such as polyurethane, polyurethane resin, polyamide, polyester, and polyimide [8].