I. Introduction
Nonconventional energy resources, such as wind, tidal, geothermal, and photovoltaic (PV), are utilized in many applications as viable due to the increased need for traditional energy sources [1], [2]. One of the most common and promising energy source for supplying demand to a system is solar energy, which provides reliability and resilience [3], [4]. In the literature [5], a number of approaches are suggested to achieve the maximum power from PV panels. Among them, incremental conductance-based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) will be employed, since it is quick, precise, and simple to apply. To maximize power from the PV panels and maintain the required reference dc-link voltage at the inverter terminals, an incremental conductance approach is used to regulate the duty ratio of the boost converter. The proposed approach employs two-stage grid-connected PV system. The PV system operates MPPT at the first stage due to a change in the dc–dc converter’s duty ratio. In the second stage, a grid-connected voltage source inverter (GC-VSI) distributes power into the grid and load [6].