I. Introduction
The advancementof Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting more aspects of our daily lives within the computer network, which makes more applications need to meet the requirements of information timeliness [1]. For example, a large amount of freshness information is required in autonomous driving to calculate road conditions and console scheduling [2]. Outdated information could result in faulty control decisions and potentially lead to catastrophic disasters. As a result, it is crucial to prioritize the timely receipt of data in status information updating systems. In general, the transmission latency is a common metric used to measure whether a system can meet the requirements of delay-sensitive services. However, the transmission latency only takes into account the time elapsed from sending to receiving data packets, and the freshness of information cannot be accurately assessed based on transmission latency solely. For example, it is common for data queue in the system to remain empty in the case of a low information arrival rate, leading to a small delay for packet transmission. Nonetheless, in the absence of new packets arriving, the information received at the recipient may become outdated and potentially lose its relevance. Consequently, the concept of Age of Information (AoI) is introduced as a novel metric that has been developed to measure the freshness of information from the receiver’s viewpoint [3].