I. Introduction
Indonesia has been in the era of NRE (New Renewable Energy) where the production of electrical energy in many power plants has utilized many NRE sources[1]2[]. The use of NRE, especially solar energy, is virtually unlimited by geographic locations because almost the entire surface of the earth, both land and water, is illuminated by the sun with a relatively long span of time from 6 am to 6 pm. The penetration of solar power plants into the electric power system now and in the future will provide several opportunities as well as challenges[3][4] to various stakeholders, both to the community as a prosumer, the government as a regulator, to the state Power Grid Company as the owner of the Indonesian electric power system. Key stakeholders here are namely the rooftop SPP community as a prosumer, PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara or Indonesian Power Grid Company) as a single provider of state electricity networks, and the government as a regulator.