I. Introduction
In This article, a solution to the problem of deriving a globally convergent online parameter estimator for the polarization curve of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) is reported. The practical motivation to address this problem is well-known and it includes the determination of the PEMFCs state of health, the optimization of their operating conditions, and their energy management [1]. PEMFCs have emerged as a promising and scalable energy conversion and sustainable power generation technology. As a subset of fuel cell technology, PEMFCs offer a variety of unique features that make them suitable for diverse applications. These features include energy efficiency, rapid start-up, compact size and weight, low noise, low emission, and modularity characteristics that have widespread this type of fuel cells [2], [3]. Monitoring the suitable operation of PEMFCs requires complicated experiments and instrumentation that cannot be applied in field operations; therefore, time-consuming offline data-fitting procedures are employed [4]. In recent years, mathematical models that describe the operation of PEMFC under different operating conditions have been developed. Due to the complexity of the behavior of the PEMFC, these models involve highly nonlinear relations that depend, again in a nonlinear way, on uncertain parameters. The values of these parameters, which reflect the actual PEMFC performance, inevitably affect the effectiveness of the developed models in simulation, design, optimal operation, and control. Therefore, it is indispensable to investigate the problem of parameter estimation of these models. Several unwanted phenomena, such as catalyst poisoning, flooding or drying of the membrane, etc., can be monitored, and the working parameters of a PEMFC can be quickly regulated with the help of real-time parameter estimation [5]—hence our interest in online parameter estimators. Also, to ensure good performance in the face of uncertainty and noise, our attention is concentrated on schemes for which global convergence properties under some suitable excitation conditions are proven.