I. Introduction
It is crucial to comprehend the state of the digital transformation with regard to higher education institutions, as well as to obtain a detailed understanding of the terminologies from a variety of stakeholders. The paper cover various aspects on the need of adoption of digital transformation. It also covers literature based on Vosviwer tool. In order to sustain and remain in the competition, it has become essential for HEIs to become accustomed to the changes and adopt to this transformation. Also, redesigning the entire educational processes is not an easy task and is undoubtedly challenging. The urgency of the transformation is not limited to the businesses to remain their competitive standing in the global market but has become a need of an hour for the education sector specifically higher education institutions offering professional courses. The purpose of this study is to better understand the changes that Indian universities will need to make at various levels in order to successfully adopt this transformation. To that end, the researcher asked important players in the education industry for their opinions, which will help academics and policymakers develop the strategies they will need to put this transformation into practice. The thorough assessment of the literature was carried out utilizing the VOS viewer to evaluate the pertinent studies and pinpoint any gaps.