I. Introduction
When planning and operating a radial distribution system (RDS), the allocation of reactive power from the placement of capacitor banks plays an important role in maintaining power quality [1]. Increasing the voltage profile, correcting the power factor value, reducing total losses and releasing feeder capacity are some of the benefits obtained from optimizing capacitor placement on the RDS [2]. Planning can be optimal if the size, type and location of the capacitor will be placed to achieve the objective function with all operating constraints at different load levels based on consumer needs [3]. The radial network model is widely used in electric power distribution systems in Indonesia [4]. However, there are many disadvantages to this DS type. Even though RDS has a minimal, simple and very economical construction, the distribution of electrical power is only through one channel. The farther the load is from the source, the greater the losses value and the voltage level will move away from 1 pu or under voltage conditions [5].