I. Introduction
Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) estimation using a colocated antenna array has been a prominent topic in wireless communications, garnering continuous attention over the past decades. Typically, multiple antennas are strategically placed at different positions to sense the time delay/phase shift of incident sources. Numerous strategies, including Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) [1], maximum likelihood estimator [2], matrix pencil method [3], Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT) [4], sparsity-aware algorithms, cumulant-based approaches [5], and tensor-aware algorithms [6], have been established for DOA estimation from time delay/phase shift measurements. In practical applications, the appeal lies in Two-Dimensional (2D) DOA estimation rather than One-Dimensional (1D) approaches. Consequently, several efforts have been dedicated to nonlinear scalar array geometries, such as L-shaped, circular, and rectangular arrays [7], [8]. Additionally, the use of vector sensors has shown promise as a flexible alternative for 2D-DOA estimation [9], [10], [11], offering advantages in array architecture and computational complexity compared to scalar arrays.