I. Introduction
Stabilizing plants while rejecting unknown matched disturbances, i.e. disturbances present in the input channel of the plant, is a problem of practical interest. Several papers in the literature have addressed this problem for finite-dimensional plants, see for instance [1], [17] and the references therein. However, for linear infinite-dimensional plants this problem is harder to solve and fewer works have addressed it. One of the earliest works to study this problem for infinite-dimensional plants in an abstract setting is [12], where a discontinuous control law is proposed based on the sliding mode technique. In that work it is assumed that the input operator is bounded, so plants with boundary control inputs cannot be considered, and that the full-state of the plant can be measured. Under similar assumptions [13] addressed this problem (and a tracking problem) for the 1D heat and wave equations. Subsequently, other works have addressed the above stabilization/disturbance rejection problem for particular boundary controlled infinite-dimensional plants such as the 1D heat and wave equations.