I. Introduction
To be competitive in today's business world, companies need to be able to strategically utilize both their existing knowledge assets and the new intellectual capital they generate every day. Businesses around the world today value their employees more than anything else. Employee fiexibility, competence, dedication, and expertise are universally accepted as crucial factors in a company's success. Human capital is often overlooked despite its importance. It is rarely protected or utilized to its fullest potential. In order to quickly respond to the information explosion brought about by the electronic capture of data and its storage in giant data warehouses, modem organizations must assess the vast amounts of data they generate. Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery in enormous data, is a technique used to glean actionable insights from massive datasets for the improvement of decision-making in business. Tools for analytical processing, generating reports, and querying data are all utilized. Traditional management in the business world has prioritized the attainment of short-term financial goals at the expense of more holistic long-term goals related to human issues. As a result of rising public awareness of the possible negative effects of business on the economy, environment, and society, more organizations are taking steps to show their commitment to sustainability. It is also important for businesses to have a sustainability statement to ensure that businesses are doing their part to ensure that society can continue to function in the long-term. The academic community is becoming increasingly interested in studying sustainability and sustainable development. Although there has been an increase in research on sustainability in recent years, there are still linguistic discrepancies when sustainability is presented as part of different scientific domains. And argues that the term sustainability has lost much of its original meaning since it is used mostly as a theoretical assertion, for political purposes, or as a passing trend. The country's SMEs have earned a reputation for theirability to weather economic storms. Having it available makes monetary resources far more distributive. Plus, it can spark innovation that enriches and preserves local traditions alongside the work of communities. Indonesia's small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are crucial to lowering the country's high unemployment rate. It's obvious that the primary goal of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is to provide people with work possibilities through the use of accessible technologies. The growth of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Indonesia is highly prioritized because they constitute the backbone of the country's populist economic system. The growth of SMEs aspires to fulfill many goals, not the least of which is the eradication of poverty and unemployment. This expansion can also strengthen local and national economies, as well as contribute significantly to the quickening of structural transformation. Organizations face a considerable level of uncertainty in their search for solutions to today's “grand challenges”. Many factors contribute to today's most pressing problems, such as climate change, economic instability, and political upheaval. Since these main challenges in today's interconnected world may immediately endanger the life and existence of organizations, they must be responsive and adaptive in how they organize and manage their workforces. The COVID-19 epidemic has thrown human resource management (HRM) into chaos, forcing managers to immediately investigate “unknown unknowns” in an effort to help their people adjust to and recover from the drastic changes to their working and social life.