1. Introduction
This paper extends the work reported at last year's IEEE Aerospace conference where the design principles for the fabrication of Etng1 (Electronic Tongue No. 1) [Buehler, 2001] were discussed. In this effort the capabilities of Etng1 are explored using three sets of electrochemical measurements including Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) [Kissinger, 1996], corrosion measurements [Stansbury, 2000], and Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) [Wang, 2000]. This effort is an outgrowth of the 25-cm3 electrochemical cell developed for the MECA (Mars Environmental Compatibility Assessment) project [West, 1999] which included 20 prefabricated Ion Selective Electrodes, a conductivity sensor, a temperature sensor and an oxidation reduction potential sensor. Traditional electrochemical sensors are fabricated at the end of a pencil-like cylindrical tube. Such sensors cannot be configured easily in a multi-sensor array nor can they be miniaturized.