I. Introduction
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is among the most impactful cardiovascular conditions [1]. It is a chronic vascular disease where the arteries become blocked or narrowed, reducing the blood flow. Regular ultrasound (US) examination can effectively diagnose PAD, allowing for the early treatment. Considering the limited medical workforce and highly operator-dependent nature of US scans, developing a robotic US system (RUSS) for the daily US examination or US-guided navigation [2] is becoming a research hot spot. Extensive studies have been conducted on the tasks of autonomous arteries screening, such as carotid [3] and radial arteries [4], [5]. In order to have a deep understanding of the field of RUSS, readers can refer to a comprehensive survey article, which systematically discussed the basic enabling technology, advanced application-orientated technology, and emerging learning-based robotic acquisition [6].