I. Introduction
In the big data era, data publishing has become a popular way to facilitate data exploitation and enlarge economic values of data [1], [2], [3]. Leading data holders like Facebook and Twitter provide APIs to share data with third-parties with the purpose of increasing platform engagements [4]. More and more data holders nowadays are prone to publishing data, such as Mimic database
, MovieLenshttps://netflixprize.com/
, and Yelp challengeshttps://www.yelp.com/dataset/challenge
, to seek worldwide help in data exploitation. Indeed, data publishing as positive externality has enabled service innovation, scientific discovery, and other public benefits, which generate enormous economic values amounting to over {\\$}3 trillion annuallyhttps://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/open-data-unlocking-innovation-and-performance-with-liquid-information