I. Introduction
Manufacturing and implementation of distributed gas turbine electric power plants (GTPP) based on valve-engine complex is one of the most important stages of the development in modern electrical power industry. JTC «GT Energo» is one of the companies engaged in this activity. The company has an operating GTPP «Yekaterinburgskaya» (18 MW), which is a part of Sverdlovsk power system. GTPP is connected to the substation «Kalininskaya» 220/110/10 kV by the overhead line 110 kV. There are two electrical power units at the GTPP, namely GTE-009M and substation «UETM» 110/10/6 kV. The main subject of this research is thyristor frequency converter (TFC) which is the connecting link of the generation equipment. In this article different methods of PWM for grid-connected TFC are considered. TFC has a three-level Neutral Point Clamped (3L-NPC) topology which was first proposed in [1].