I. Introduction
High-accuracy localization technology plays a more and more important role in the field of Internet-of-Thing (IoT). Different from outdoor environments, the mature localization technologies based on satellite systems such as Beidou and Galileo cannot provide real-time and high-accuracy localization services in indoor environments because of the poor penetration of the localization signal [1]. Thus, using wireless localization technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), ZigBee, long range radio (LoRa) and ultrawideband (UWB) to realize high accuracy indoor localization has become a hot research topic recently [2], [3], [4], [5]. However, not all of the indoor positioning technologies can meet the increasingly complex indoor scenarios. For instance, though LoRa can achieve long-distance localization it would not be suitable for large-scale commercial use because of its poor security. For the ZigBee positioning technology, it can be only used in some specific scenarios which do not request high real-time performance such as attendance system. Besides, the performance of the ZigBee positioning system is seriously affected by environmental factors, which means it cannot be used in harsh indoor environments. The RFID positioning technology can be divided into active RFID-based and passive RIFD-based. The former one is more susceptible to the environment and the latter is limited by its valid working distance, only a few meters. Consequently, the positioning technology mentioned above cannot meet the requirement of high-precision indoor positioning especially when the environment is complex. Among common wireless positioning technologies, UWB is considered the most reliable and promising technology which has already been widely used in industrial and challenging indoor environments such as underground mine and large-scale warehouse due to its admirable accuracy in long-distance positioning and good penetration [6]. In spite of the mentioned benefits, the performance of UWB experiences degradation when suffering from nonline-of-sight (NLOS) conditions.