With its outstanding characteristics, the chaotic signal is naturally suited for spread-spectrum (SS) communication systems [1]. In particular, chaos-based communications provide excellent robustness against multipath fading [2] and jamming [3]. This has motivated enormous researches on chaotic communication, where the differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) was particularly widely studied due its low-complexity and performance advantages. Although this non-coherent DCSK modulation performs worse than coherent BPSK/QPSK modulations in AWGN channels [4], it is suitable for special wireless applications such as WLAN and industrial IoT applications that require no complex synchronization, low transmitted power spectral density to avoid telecommunication interfering, and robustness against multipath propagation and industrial disturbances [4], [5], [6]. Note that the chaotic signal can be generated by digital chaotic map [1] or memristor chaotic system [5], [6]. The performance of DCSK was further analyzed in [41] over different channel models. DCSK has been developed and updated to cater for various scenarios, such as ultra-wideband (UWB) communication [8], continuous-mobility system [9], powerline communication (PLC) system [10], and e-Health IoT systems [11]. To ensure reliable transmission, channel coding has been applied into the DCSK-based communications [12], [13], [14]. However, the conventional DCSK suffers from both low data rate and low energy efficiency, since two consecutive time slots are required to send a data bit in a symbol duration [15], [16]. Besides, the receiver of DCSK needs the radio frequency delay line to recover the information bits.
To remove the delay line, the time reversal operation was adopted to the chaotic sequence in I-DCSK [17]. The receiver of I-DCSK only needs to correlate the received signal with its time reversal version to estimate the transmitted bits. By leveraging the multi-carrier communication, the multi-carrier DCSK (MC-DCSK) used a subcarrier to send the reference, while the remaining subcarriers to send the information sequence [18]. By utilizing the orthogonality of the Walsh code, the code shifted DCSK (CS-DCSK) and its generalised version (GCS-DCSK) have been proposed in [19] and [20]. To improve the energy efficiency, the differentially DCSK (DDCSK) and the short reference DCSK (SR-DCSK) have been investigated in [21], [22], respectively. Moreover, [23], a deep learning (DL)-based demodulation was proposed for DCSK systems, which is efficient for applications with problematic channel estimation. For secure communications, a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided
Moreover, Index modulation (IM) is regraded as the appealing solution to high-data-rate wireless communications, which achieves performance gains with less cost [25]. Extra information bits in IM-based communications can be sent through predefined patterns, e.g., frequency and antenna [26]. Thus, this technique provides insights into boosting the data rate of DCSK-based communications. Different from MC-DCSK, parts of predefined subcarriers are deployed for information sequence in carrier index DCSK (CI-DCSK) [27]. Furthermore, its high-data-rate version, namely HDR-CI-DCSK, was proposed to enhance the spectral efficiency (SE), data rate as well as bit error rate (BER) performance [28]. By applying the code index modulation [29], CIM-DCSK was proposed to carry additional bits through Walsh code [30] and its enhanced version was designed in [31]. By exploiting the properties of chaotic signal, the permutation index DCSK (PI-DCSK) has been used to send extra information bits [32]. In particular, a
Although PI-DCSK can effectively enhance the data rate by transmitting extra bits on permutation index, the addition of channel noise to both the reference signal and the permutated data-bearing signal deteriorates its error performance. Thus, in this paper, we exploit the noise reduction (NR) technique [35] in PI-DCSK to form NR-PI-DCSK, which can reduce the average noise variance in the demodulation and then improve performance. Similar to conventional PI-DCSK, the reference sequence is permuted to form the data-bearing sequence, where the permutation index is selected by the transmitted bits. In this way, we can transmit and estimate the extra information by determining the permutation index at the receiver. The resultant signal is correlated with its permuted replicas to estimate the transmitted bits. Due to the frame format of the NR-PI-DCSK and the average filter at the receiver, the variance of the noise can be sharpened and lead to performance improvement. Also, the analytical BER expressions of NR-PI-DCSK over multipath Rayleigh fading channel are derived and confirmed with the simulation results. Finally, we compare the proposed system with PI-DCSK over two different channel models to show its performance advantages.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces model of the NR-PI-DCSK system. Section III compares and analyzes the simulation results. Section IV draws the conclusions.
System Model
A. Architecture of transceiver
As shown in Fig. 1, the chaotic generator sends a \begin{equation*} {x_{k+1}}=1-2x_{k}^{2}, \tag{1}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \mathbf {S}= {\mathbf {1}_{1\times R}}\otimes \mathbf {x}, \tag{2}\end{equation*}
At the transmitter, the input bits in the \begin{align*} {P_{i}}\left ({\mathbf {S} }\right)\mathbf {S}^{T}&\approx 0, \tag{3}\\ {P_{i}}\left ({\mathbf {S} }\right){P_{i'}}\left ({\mathbf {S} }\right)^{T}&\approx 0,\quad \text {for } i\ne i', \tag{4}\end{align*}
In a NR-PI-DCSK symbol duration, the reference sequence \begin{equation*} {\mathbf {e}}=\left [{ \mathbf {S},{b_{j}}{P_{a_{j}}}\left ({\mathbf {S}}\right) }\right]. \tag{5}\end{equation*}
In this paper, we consider a commonly used multipath Rayleigh fading channel model. The received signal \begin{equation*} \mathbf {r}=\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{{\alpha _{l}}{{\mathbf {e}}_{{\tau _{l}}}}+\mathbf {n}}, \tag{6}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} f\left ({\alpha \left |{ \xi }\right. }\right)=\frac {\alpha }{{\xi ^{2}}}{e^{-\frac {{\alpha ^{2}}}{2{\xi ^{2}}}}}, \tag{7}\end{equation*}
The block diagram of NR-PI-DCSK receiver is shown in Fig. 3. The received signal passes through the average filter with a size of \begin{align*} {I_{j,\hat {i}}}&=\sum \limits _{k=1}^{\beta /R~}{\left ({\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{{\alpha _{l}}{P_{{\hat {i}}}}\left ({{x_{k-{\tau _{l}}}} }\right)+\underbrace {\frac {1}{R}\sum \limits _{r=1}^{R}{{n_{k+\left ({r-1 }\right)\frac {\beta }{R}}}}}_{{N_{1,k}}}} }\right)} \\ &\quad \times \left ({\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{{\alpha _{l}}{b_{j}}{P_{{a_{j}}}}\left ({{x_{k-{\tau _{l}}}} }\right)+\underbrace {\frac {1}{R}\sum \limits _{r=1}^{R}{{n_{k+\beta +\left ({r-1 }\right)\frac {\beta }{R}}}}}_{{N_{2,k}}}} }\right). \\{}\tag{8}\end{align*}
Similarly, for \begin{align*} {I_{j,i}}&=\sum \limits _{k=1}^{\beta /R~}{\left ({\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{{\alpha _{l}}{P_{i}}\left ({{x_{k-{\tau _{l}}}} }\right)+\underbrace {\frac {1}{R}\sum \limits _{r=1}^{R}{{n_{k+\left ({r-1 }\right)\frac {\beta }{R}}}}}_{{N_{1,k}}}} }\right)} \\ &\quad \times \left ({\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{{\alpha _{l}}{b_{j}}{P_{{a_{j}}}}\left ({{x_{k-{\tau _{l}}}} }\right)+\underbrace {\frac {1}{R}\sum \limits _{r=1}^{R}{{n_{k+\beta +\left ({r-1 }\right)\frac {\beta }{R}}}}}_{{N_{2,k}}}} }\right). \\ ~\tag{9}\end{align*}
It should be noted that for the variance of the averaged noise term in (8) and (9) (i.e., \begin{equation*} \mathrm {var}\left \{{ N_{1,k} }\right \}=\mathrm {var}\left \{{ N_{2,k} }\right \}=\frac {\mathrm {var}\left \{{ n_{k} }\right \}}{R}=\frac {N_{0}}{2R}. \tag{10}\end{equation*}
To estimate the mapped symbol \begin{equation*} \hat {a}_{j}=\arg \underset {i}{\max }\,\left ({\left |{ I_{j,i} }\right | }\right),i=1,\cdots,2^{m_{c}}. \tag{11}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \hat {b}_{j}=\mathrm {sign}\left ({I_{j,\hat {a}_{j}} }\right).\, \tag{12}\end{equation*}
B. Energy Efficiency Analysis
To analyze the energy efficiency of NR-PI-DCSK, we introduce the data-energy-to-bit-energy ratio (DBR) as [32] \begin{equation*} \text {DBR}=\frac {{E_{d}}}{{E_{b}}}, \tag{13}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} E_{s}=E_{d}+E_{r}. \tag{14}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {E}_{r}={E_{d}}=R\sum \limits _{k=1}^{\beta /R }{x_{k}^{2}}. \tag{15}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {E}_{s}=2R\sum \limits _{k=1}^{\beta /R }{x_{k}^{2}}. \tag{16}\end{equation*}
In addition, since \begin{equation*} {E}_{b}=\frac {{E_{s}}}{m_{c}+1}=\frac {2R\sum \limits _{k=1}^{\beta /R }{x_{k}^{2}}}{m_{c}+1}. \tag{17}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \text {DBR}=\frac {{m_{c}}+1}{2}. \tag{18}\end{equation*}
Performance Analysis
In this section, we derive the analytical BER performance of the NR-PI-DCSK over the multipath Rayleigh fading channel.
A. BER Analysis of NR-PI-DCSK
In a NR-PI-DCSK symbol duration, \begin{equation*} {P_{T}}=\frac {{m_{c}}}{({m_{c}}+1)}{P_{e\text {ind}}}+\frac {1}{({m_{c}}+1)}{P_{e\text {mod}}}. \tag{19}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {P_{e\text {ind}}}=\frac {{2^{({m_{c}}-1)}}}{{2^{{m_{c}}}}-1}{P_{ed}}. \tag{20}\end{equation*}
Note that the recovery of the physically modulated symbol relies on both the permutation recovery and the despreading. We can see that there are two different cases that result in error detection. In the first case, the permutation index symbol is recovered correctly but an error exists in the estimation of the modulated symbol. The probability of this erroneous detection \begin{equation*} {P_{e\text {DCSK}}}=\frac {1}{2}\text {erfc}\left ({\frac {E\left \{{ I_{j,\hat {i}} }\right \}}{\sqrt {2\mathrm {var}\left \{{ I_{j,\hat {i}} }\right \}}} }\right), \tag{21}\end{equation*}
In the second case, the estimation of the permutation index is wrong. Thus, the probability of correct modulated symbol detection equals 1/2. In this vein, the BER of the modulated symbol is computed as \begin{equation*} {P_{e\text {mod}}}={P_{e\text {DCSK}}}(1-{P_{ed}})+0.5{P_{ed}}. \tag{22}\end{equation*}
B. Derivation of {P_{ed}}
Assuming that the modulated symbol \begin{equation*} \sum \limits _{k=1}^{\beta /R }{x_{k-{\tau _{l}}}x_{k-{\tau _{l'}}}}\approx 0~ \text {for }l\ne {l}'. \tag{23}\end{equation*}
Thus, the expectation and the variance of \begin{align*} {\mu _{1}}&=E\left \{{ I_{j,\hat {i}} }\right \}\approx {N_{0}}\frac {{\gamma _{b}}\left ({{m_{c}}+1 }\right)}{2R}, \tag{24}\\[-2pt] \sigma _{1}^{2}&=\mathrm {var}\left \{{ I_{j,\hat {i}} }\right \}\approx {N_{0}^{2}}\left ({\frac {{\gamma _{b}}\left ({{m_{c}}+1 }\right)}{2R^{2}} +\frac {\beta }{4R^{3}}}\right), \tag{25}\\[-2pt] {\mu _{2}}&=E\left \{{ I_{j,i} }\right \} \approx 0, \tag{26}\\[-2pt] \sigma _{2}^{2}&=\mathrm {var}\left \{{ I_{j,i} }\right \}\approx {N_{0}^{2}}\left ({\frac {{\gamma _{b}}\left ({{m_{c}}+1 }\right)}{2R^{2}} +\frac {\beta }{4R^{3}}}\right). \tag{27}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} {\gamma _{b}}=\frac {{E_{b}}}{{N_{0}}}\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{\alpha _{l}^{2}}. \tag{28}\end{equation*}
According to (8) and (9), we can see that the absolute decision variables \begin{equation*} {g_{\left |{ I_{j,\hat {i}} }\right |}}\left ({w }\right)=\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\pi \sigma _{1}^{2}}}\left [{ {e^{-\frac {{{\left ({w-{\mu _{1}} }\right)}^{2}}}{2\sigma _{1}^{2}}}}+{e^{-\frac {{{\left ({w+{\mu _{1}} }\right)}^{2}}}{2\sigma _{1}^{2}}}} }\right], \tag{29}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {G_{\left |{ I_{j,i}}\right |}}(w)=\text {erf}\left ({\frac {w}{\sqrt {2\sigma _{2}^{2}}} }\right). \tag{30}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} {P_{ed}}&=\Pr \left ({\left |{ I_{j,\hat {i}} }\right | < \underset {\underset {i\ne \hat {i}}{\mathop {i\in \left \{{ 1,\cdots,{2^{{m_{c}}}} }\right \}}}\,}{\max }\,\left \{{ \left |{ I_{j,i} }\right | \bigg |{P_{i}} }\right \} }\right) \\[-2pt] &=\int _{0}^{\infty }{\left \{{ 1-{{\left [{ {G_{\left |{ I_{j,i} }\right |}}(w) }\right]}^{{2^{{m_{c}}}}-1}} }\right \}}{g_{\left |{{I_{j,\hat {i}}}}\right |}}\left ({w }\right)dw \\[-2pt] & =\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\pi \sigma _{1}^{2}}}\int _{0}^{\infty }{\left \{{ {1}-{{\left [{ \text {erf}\left ({\frac {w}{\sqrt {2\sigma _{2}^{2}}} }\right) }\right]}^{{2^{{m_{c}}}}-1}} }\right \}} \\ &\quad \times \left [{ {e^{-\frac {{{\left ({w-{\mu _{1}} }\right)}^{2}}}{2\sigma _{1}^{2}}}}+{e^{-\frac {{{\left ({w+{\mu _{1}} }\right)}^{2}}}{2\sigma _{1}^{2}}}} }\right]dw\overset {z=\frac {w}{{N_{0}}}}{\mathop {\to }}\, \\[-2pt] & =\frac {1}{\sqrt {2\pi C}}\int _{0}^{\infty }{\left \{{ {1}-{{\left [{ \text {erf}\left ({\frac {z}{\sqrt {2D}} }\right) }\right]}^{{2^{{m_{c}}}}-1}} }\right \}} \\[-2pt] &\quad \times \left [{ {e^{-\frac {{{\left ({z-\frac {\left ({{m_{c}}+1 }\right)}{2R}{\gamma _{b}} }\right)}^{2}}}{2C}}}+{e^{-\frac {{{\left ({z+\frac {\left ({{m_{c}}+1 }\right)}{2R}{\gamma _{b}} }\right)}^{2}}}{2C}}} }\right]dz, \tag{31}\end{align*}
Finally, the averaged BER of the NR-PI-DCSK over multipath Rayleigh fading channels can be given by \begin{equation*} {{\bar {P}}_{T}}{=}\int _{0}^{\infty }{{P_{T}}g\left ({{\gamma _{b}} }\right)}d{\gamma _{b}}.\, \tag{32}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} g\left ({{\gamma _{b}} }\right)=\frac {\gamma _{b}^{L-1}}{{{{\bar {\gamma }}}^{L}}({L}-1)!}{e^{-\frac {{\gamma _{b}}}{{\bar {\gamma }}}}},\, \tag{33}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} g\left ({{\gamma _{b}} }\right)=\sum \limits _{l=1}^{L}{\frac {{\varphi _{l}}}{{{{\bar {\gamma }}}_{l}}}{e^{-\frac {{\gamma _{b}}}{{{{\bar {\gamma }}}_{l}}}}}}, \tag{34}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} {\varphi _{l}}=\prod \limits _{\begin{smallmatrix} \mu =1 \\ \mu \ne l \end{smallmatrix}}^{L}{\frac {{{{\bar {\gamma }}}_{l}}}{{{{\bar {\gamma }}}_{l}}-{{{\bar {\gamma }}}_{\mu }}}}. \tag{35}\end{align*}
Simulation and Analysis
In this section, we evaluate the BER performance of the NR-PI-DCSK. Two different multipath Rayleigh fading channels are used in the simulation. In the first channel model, namely CM1 channel, two-path channel with power gain of
Fig. 4 demonstrates the numerical and simulated results of the proposed NR-PI-DCSK for different
Error performance of the NR-PI-DCSK over multipath Rayleigh fading channels (BER versus
Error performance of the NR-PI-DCSK over multipath Rayleigh fading channels (BER versus
Error performance of NR-PI-DCSK and PT-CIM-DCSK over multipath rayleigh fading channels.
For perfect synchronization scenario, no signal power loss under the timing mismatch, i.e., best performance can be achieved. In the case of synchronization error, the performance degradation depends on the level of symbol timing mismatch [39]. Fig. 7 further shows the error performance of the proposed NR-PI-DCSK and PI-DCSK for
To rate the BER performance of NR-PI-DCSK system over practical ultra-wideband (UWB) channel, we form the FM-NR-PI-DCSK by combining NR-PI-DCSK with the frequency-modulated (FM) structure [26]. The simulation parameters are: symbol transmission period
In this paper, we propose a NR-PI-DCSK system to reduce the noise and fading interference, which leads to the increase of the received SNR. In the propose design,
In addition, the proposed NR-PI-DCSK deals with the noncoherent signals to ensure the reliability performance, which increase the complexity and hardware cost. The neural network can be considered as an intelligent estimator to extract the characteristics of chaotic signals and then the transmitted data in the received signal [41]. We believe that this topic is interesting and deserves further exploration.