1 Introduction
With the increasing production scale of the smelting industry, the atmospheric pollution caused by sulfur dioxide (SO2) in smelting flue gas is becoming increasingly serious. Smelting flue gas desulfurization has been the focal crux part of air pollution prevention and control for a long time. Smelting flue gas is usually treatment by acid production from flue gas. The acid production method can effectively reduce the sulfur content of smelting flue gas, generate high concentration sulfuric acid, improve air pollution and soil acidification, and reduce the cost of sulfuric acid production and energy consumption. The key link of desulfurization and acid production from flue gas is the process that sulfur trioxide (SO3) converted from SO2 dissolves in water to produce sulfuric acid. The quality and yield of sulfuric acid depend on the SO2 conversion rate, the higher the conversion rate, the higher the quality of sulfuric acid generated. Therefore, the level of SO2 conversion rate reflects the performance of the smelting production system and provides guidance for the system control [1].