I. Introduction
SIGNAL detection which is used to recover information at the receiver plays a crucial role in communication systems. The research on traditional receiver design schemes is also relatively numerous and mature. Literature [1], [2] studies the design of TR receiver systems for Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication systems. This research is based on traditional methods to design suitable receivers for specific communication systems. [3] proposed a low-complexity improved wiener filter coefficient algorithm to estimate the OFDM channels considering a digital radio mondiale (DRM) system. In [4], symbol error performance analysis of OFDM receiver with pulse blanking over frequency selective fading channel has been done. [5] developed an efficient receiver structure. Incorporated MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) system with FTN (faster-than-Nyquist) techniques are considered in the paper. To improve performance and throughput, [6] gives the analysis of performance degradation using convex optimization for a mismatched receiver. However, traditional signal detection algorithms are highly rely on exact channel information. Nevertheless, in many practical scenarios, the exact channel model may not be available. This is due to several reasons. For example, device non-ideality such as I/Q imbalance [7] and nonlinear amplifier [8] adds nonlinearity to the end-to-end channel, and it is very difficult to characterize this nonlinearity using analytical models. In addition, the emergence of new scenarios are giving birth to new communication systems such as molecular communications [9], [10], where the channel model is highly complex to mathematically describe or even completely unknown.