I. Introduction
Due to improvements in power electronics equipment, solar, photovoltaic (PV), and wind energies have grown in popularity and demand among the numerous forms of renewable energy sources. Power converters from different families are created to link those sources for distributing grid & local loading. Multilevel inverters, one of these converters, are crucial in converting DC electricity in higher-quality semi-sinusoidal AC voltage. Multilevel inverters were first created in the 1970s in order to address the problems that two-level inverters had. Consequently, multilevel inverters are made available like option in circumstances requiring excellent power quality as it provides a number of alluring benefits, including output voltage waveforms that closely resemble sinusoidal staircases, lower switching frequencies, less dv/dt stress, etc. [1], [2]. Diode clamped or NPC MLI, flying capacitor (FC) MLI, & cascaded H-bridge (CHB) MLI are the three most used types of MLI topologies. NPC has various downsides, such as the issue with DC-link capacitor voltage unbalance and the high amount of necessary semiconductors, particularly as amount of levels rises. FC needs a lot of flying capacitors to produce various voltage levels. The volume and price of the converter increase quickly as the high-level FC's capacitor count rises. Additionally, it has flaws including large switching losses and difficult capacitor voltage management. Necessity for huge amount of separate DC resources to supply H-bridge cell is main weakness of the CHB inverter [2]. A useful research to reduce amount of necessary parts & DC sources connected by boost characteristics & self-charge balance capabilities for relevant capacitors is the recently developed switched capacitor multilevel inverters (SCMLI).