I. Introduction
Recently, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has rapidly increased, and the competition for wireless spectrum has become increasingly fierce, resulting in a serious spectrum scarcity problem in the IoT. On the one hand, the demand for wireless spectrum resources has boomed. On the other hand, a significant amount of spectrum is underutilized [1]. To alleviate the problem of spectrum scarcity and improve the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio (CR) [2], [3] has been proposed for the development of IoT as an effective technology. In CR networks (CRNs), unlicensed users [i.e., secondary users (SUs)] adjust transmission parameters based on the observations about the environment, in order to adapt to the environment changes. To be specific, secondary transmitters (STs) are allowed to periodically perform spectrum sensing and opportunistically access the channels licensed to primary users (PUs).