I. Introduction
Owing to their small turning radius and strong climbing ability, high-speed maglev trains have become an ideal high-speed and ultra-high-speed transport system in the 21st century [1], [2]. At present, the relatively mature maglev train technology includes electric magnetic suspension (EMS) and electric dynamic suspension (EDS) [3], [4]. The suspension/ guidance system of the EMS adopts active control, and can realize stable levitation under static conditions. EDS has a large levitation air gap (100 mm), and as a repulsion system, it is mechanically self-stable without a complex control system [5], [6], [7]. EDS is self-stable levitation and guidance during train operation. The passive electromagnetic damping between SC (superconducting) coil and LG (levitation/ guidance) coil is very small, and the train is composed of light vehicle body and relatively heavy bogie structure [8], [9], [10]. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze the characteristics of levitation/guidance and reveal the dynamic characteristics during train operation.