1 Introduction
When technology engages with people in seemingly social ways, humans respond socially to the device [63, 71]. The human-robot interaction (HRI) community has long been interested with how interactive technologies, including robots and voice-user interfaces (VUI), will be used within collaborative and multi-user spaces [12, 41]. VUIs offer a “natural” interface through which users interact with the device through their voice. Consumers are interacting with these devices, including smart speakers and robots, in a wide range of places including their homes, museums, airports, and malls [10, 26, 55, 75], often in small groups of 2-6 people. While engaging with these devices, reciprocity (the “give-and-take” in relationships) can promote positivity, emotional engagement, rapport, and higher attraction [5, 17, 81]. Understanding how users respond to various types of VUIs can inform how people will engage with these devices and how different modalities support these technology-mediated, oftentimes social, interactions.