Ref. [1] theoretically demonstrates that the perturbation growth can be decelerated or even depressed completely during the Rayleigh - Taylor instability in liner magnetic acceleration. The necessary conditions for this are infmitesimal skin thickness as compared to the perturbation wavelength (ideal conductivity) and a small enough angle between the direction of magnetic field and perturbation wave vector . Completely suppressed is the instability for short-wave perturbations of the wavelength shorter than the critical. According to the theory [1].\lambda_{kp}=4\pi\Delta \cos^{2}\theta,\eqno{\hbox{(1)}}
where is the liner thickness, is the angle between and . Note that ref. [1] considers the case of the magnetic field of time-invariable direction. As far as we know, no straightforward experimental validation of the theory has been made thus far.