I. Introduction
The interesting suggestion of connecting every gadget or “thing” to the Internet has resulted in the development of an innovation known as the Internet of Things (IoT), which is gradually overtaking every part of our modern life. In sixth generation (6G) the application of IoT technologies and the demands call for fundamental changes in wireless technologies need to be increased to meet the communication links, latency and reliability requirements of the expected massive number of connected devices [1]. From first generation (1G) to fifth generation (5G), wireless technologies are built on the idea that the wireless environment cannot be manipulated or changed. As a result, the only way to solve the problem is to create efficient communication technology. However, beyond 5G, traditional wireless communication system design methods are unsuitable to support demanding wireless systems and services. Therefore, 6G ideas can be obtained by considering the wireless environment as a variable that can be adjusted and controlled. This can be obtained by Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS), large intelligent surfaces (LISs) [2] and 6G supporting technologies [3].