1 Introduction
Recent technological advancements are transforming the ways in which data are created and processed. With the advent of the artificial intelligence (AI), data information is utilized with ground breaking successes in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, voice recognition, etc. The great success of AI is owing to the development of powerful computing processor and the availability of massive data for training the neural networks. However, there exist domains where the accessibility of this huge data is not fully granted. For example, the sensitive medical data are usually not open-access in most countries. Thus, building a high-quality analytical model remains to be challenging at present. At the same time, data privacy has become a growing concern for clients. In particular, the emergence of centralized searchable data repositories has made the leakage of private information an urgent social problem, e.g., health conditions, travel information, and financial data. Furthermore, the diverse set of open data applications, such as census data dissemination and social networks, place more emphasis on privacy concerns. In such practices, the access to real-life datasets may cause information leakage even in pure research activities. Consequently, privacy preservation has become a critical issue.