I. Introduction
For accurate and low-cost magnetic field analysis of laminated iron cores, a modeling method using a 3-D solid core model combined with a 1-D analytical model had been proposed in [1]. However, this method is not applicable to cases with multiple harmonics. To overcome this problem, the authors proposed a modeling method using a 3-D solid core model combined with a 1-D finite element model of one silicon steel plate [2] and applied it to the iron loss calculation and reduction of a reactor under inverter power supply [3]. In this 1-D silicon steel plate model, the real laminated structure and eddy currents are considered and the effective permeability including the effects of the laminated structure and eddy currents are fed back to the 3-D solid core model. However, in the 1-D silicon steel plate model, only the initial – curve and the classical eddy currents were considered, the dc hysteresis property and the anomalous eddy current loss were neglected.