The great demand for high data rates, massive connectivity, and protection from impending security attacks challenge next-generation wireless communication systems. In this regard, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can play a vital role in sup-porting reliable and secure communications with-out infrastructure coverage. UAVs provide several benefits in terms of cost-friendly rapid infrastruc-ture deployment in low signal coverage zones, mobile relay nodes to enhance coverage range, communication access points in emergency areas, and enabling physical layer security (PLS) [1]. Compared to traditional terrestrial communications, UAVs provide strong channel conditions due to line-of-sight (LoS) transmission links. Therefore, there is high demand for deploying large numbers of UAVs to support next-generation wireless networks [2]. UAVs can be used for different applications in transportation systems, cel-lular communications, agriculture, and emergency management. In addition, the use of UAVs will be an integral part of next-generation wireless net-works to support ultra-low-latency and extremely reliablev applications [3].